Board of Directors
Creative Beginnings Early Learning and Care is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors consisting of parents and other interested community members.
The Board is comprised of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and General Members.
Why should you join the Board?
Gain valuable experience working on a Board and with a non-profit organization
Make a difference in your community
Lend your expertise to a good cause, and also develop new skills
Don't have to be a parent / guardian
Interested in joining? See below for the requirements and application form.
Board of Directors Overview
Creative Beginnings Early Learning and Care is a licensed non-profit charitable organization committed to providing exceptional childcare to the community and the diverse families we serve. We provide a vibrant play-based program for children which fosters individualism, creativity, socialization and school readiness.
The Executive Director is responsible for the successful leadership, management, and growth of Creative Beginnings. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, he/she is responsible for program quality, strategic planning, financial sustainability, sound administration, Human Resources excellence, and compliance with policies and procedures established by the board and regulations under Childcare Early Years Act and all other relevant legislation.
The CB Board of Directors is a working, volunteer based Board. Each Board member brings different skills and experiences to draw from in order to reach our goals as an organization. Board members are required to have a current vulnerable sector police check on file at Creative Beginnings in order to comply with current legislation.
CB board meetings are monthly, 9 times a year. (No meetings in July, August or December, unless required). Meetings are the third Monday of the Month from 6:30 – 7:30pm. CB requires a minimum of 3 year commitment to serve.
Key Responsibilities
The Board of Directors is responsible to ensure that CB is governed in-line with the intentions of the letters patent and corporate bylaws of the organization, and in accordance with the intention of the Board of Directors as expressed through its written plans, directives, meeting minutes and corporate governance documents.
Approves the following years budget by fiscal year end, based on the recommendations of the Executive Director
Approves fees for CB
Gives notice for and presides over the annual meeting of the Centre
Elects officers and fills Board vacancies
Executive Director Performance Evaluation: The Board of Directors is responsible for the Executive Directors performance evaluation.
Corporate Policies and Procedures
The Board of Directors is responsible to complete an ongoing yearly review of CB Policies and Procedures to confirm that all policies and procedures are in-line with the intended direction of Creative Beginnings as determined by the Board of Directors through its published plans, directives, meeting minutes and corporate governance documents.
Annual Budget: Board of Directors to review and approve annual budget
Annual Budget: Board of Directors to review and approve significant exceptions to annual budget
Message from the Board President
Dear families, parents, and guardians within the Creative Beginnings Early Learning and Care community,
We are all fortunate to be able to have an organization like Creative Beginnings Early Learning and Care in our community, and to have our children benefit from their vibrant programs which are solidly based on individualism, creativity, and socialization. If nothing else, the last year and a half has taught us all about the importance of our children and families having positive and meaningful interactions in a safe environment.
Supporting the efforts of the amazing team at CB is a volunteer Board of Directors. Meeting once a month, for 9-months of the year, the Board supports senior leadership in decision making and financial matters, as well as specialized support in areas like human resources. Its membership is made up of current parents of CB children, those whose children have aged out of programs, as well as community volunteers who were just looking for the experience and to support a
great organization.
Now that school has begun again, we are looking ahead to our November Annual Meeting where we review the year past and set ourselves up for a successful year forward. One of the critical items, and the reason we are writing you, is that we are looking to add new members to the Board. Some Board members have served well past their agreed upon term, and to continue to operate effectively and to serve as an appropriate balance to the business, we need to add new members.
If you have professional experiences that you would like to contribute, or if you are looking to gain Board and leadership skills in a friendly environment, I strongly encourage you to consider applying for a Board position. For a small time commitment you would be able to directly contribute to the ongoing success of Creative Beginnings Early Learning and Care.
If you have further questions about the experience, time commitment, or anything else, do not hesitate to reach out to us via email. Board members are not required to be parents of CB children, so please feel free to share this with other people in your network who might be looking to participate, contribute, and gain this valuable experience.
Thank you for your consideration,
Erin Okanik
Board Chair
Christa O’Connor, RECE
Executive Director
Meet the Board Members
Hi there! I'm Katie and I am the Human Resources Advisor. I've been working in Human Resources for over 7 years, with most of my experience being in generalist roles at tech companies within the Waterloo Region. I joined CB's board of directors as a way to give back to the community, and help support the amazing folks that are educating and caring for kids within the region.
I have two young children that attend the programs that CB provide. I wanted to be able to give something back to show my appreciation and volunteering on the board enables me to do that. I am a Director of Operations by day and have some knowledge and time that I can dedicate to assisting the board in a useful way which is the least I can do given that they do such a wonderful job of taking care of our children during the day enabling my husband and I to work.
Erin is a nurse practitioner and also a CB parent. She joined the Board of Directors to become more engaged in her community and support this incredible organization!
As a lawyer and a busy mom of four kids who all attend different programs at CB, I greatly appreciate the service they provide within our community. It is for that reason that I joined the Board to support the organization and staff so that they can continue to provide exceptional care for our children.